Valencia Heights Water Company

The VHWC Board of Directors

Valencia Heights Water Company (VHWC) was formed in November of 1912 as a not for profit California Corporation in Los Angeles.  Its original purpose was for irrigating citrus groves and to provide domestic water to large estates.  As the San Gabriel Valley developed, the Company evolved into a domestic water purveyor.  VHWC serves a population of approximately 8,000 customers through 1,700 service connections in the cities of Covina and West Covina and the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.  The Company’s service area is generally bounded by the San Bernardino Freeway on the north, by Forest Lawn Cemetery on the east, by the boundary of the City of Walnut on the south, and by Citrus Street on the west.  The Company primarily serves a residential community with little commercial and industrial areas.  In addition, the Company provides service to 18 homes in the city of Malibu.   


VHWC is governed by a seven (7) member Board of Directors.  The General Manager serves to manage, make decisions, and control water costs of the Company on behalf and in the best interest for the stockholders and Company.  Every property owner in the service area is a stockholder in the company including the Board of Directors, a requirement expressed in the By-laws of the Company.


Important Dates

Upcoming Board Meetings

  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024
  • Wednesday, April 17, 2-24
  • Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Upcoming Events

  • Valencia Heights Water Company Annual Shareholders Meeting on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Please contact our office if you would like to attend